

We are bummed to say that unfortunately, due to illness, Hozier's show scheduled for this Tuesday, August 27, 2024 has been postponed.

This event is not cancelled, so hang on to your tickets and those tickets will be honored when a new date has been confirmed.
We will have details on the rescheduled event soon.

If you have any questions feel free to call our Box Office at 406-256-2400 or email boxoffice@metrapark.com

Hi to all my fans,

I want to thank each and every one of you for coming to a show during this run, and in particular those of you who have shown such kind support over the last number of nights while I’ve struggled vocally getting over a recent virus.

Although I’ve still really enjoyed getting to connect with you all from stage, my voice just isn’t getting the chance it needs to recover properly.

It breaks my heart to do this, but I’m going to have to postpone the next two shows in Billings MT (August 27th), and Casper WY (August 28th) to give my health and vocal chords every chance of recovery for the sake of the rest of the tour.

Information on rescheduled dates for these shows will be announced soon. Hold on to your tickets, as they will be honored for the new dates once announced. For those of you who cannot attend, a refund will be available from the point of purchase.

I hope you can accept my sincere apologies for any inconvenience this causes. Thank you for your support and understanding.


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